Monday, July 14, 2014

Simplicity in Preaching by J.C. Ryle

This short pamphlet is good introduction to developing a simple, yet engaging sermon. He list five main things to take in to consideration. All of them are things you probably know, but having a reminder is a good thing at times.

The five points are:

1. You must have a clear knowledge of what you are going to preach.
2. You must use simple words.
3. You must seek to acquire a simple style of composition.
4. Aim at directness.
5. Make abundant use of illustration and anecdote.

All of these items sound easy, but they do take to practice to be done well. However, if you start with these rules you will be a long way towards writing effective sermons.

This and many other books and booklets are available free from FirstLove Publications.

FirstLove Publications